Our Team

The people who work at GoMaxoo share the vision and values of our community.

Fueled by the belief that outstanding work is the result of dedication, expertise, and a touch of enjoyment, we bring this ethos to every project.


Raj Patidar

Founder & Director

Raj grew up in a village, the son of a farmer, and later graduated from a small city. Despite the fast-paced and competitive world, he carved out his own space by collaborating with bright minds.

With a solid foundation in computer science, Raj dedicated over 5 years to developing skills in digital marketing, website and digital product development, and management. He worked as an employee to understand the key aspects of building a strong team.

Known for his willingness to assist others, Raj’s actions extend beyond personal interactions to helping businesses thrive. Starting a company wasn’t initially on his mind, but as his ambitions aligned with more people, he envisioned creating a community where everyone believes in supporting each other’s growth.


The wonderful people behind GoMaxoo have built and looked after it with care.
Ravi Fuleriya

Ravi Fuleriya

Chief Operations, Strategy

Vaibhav Bhadoriya

Vaibhav Bhadoriya

Project Operational Officer

Nikita Kag

Nikita Kag

Creative & Design Officer

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